Go To The 10th Annv Web Site
Information on one couple's 10th

This site contains information from all over. Please double check everything and do not take our car as a guide line for "stock & original". The photos are of good quality and large, they take time to load. Please enjoy!

Items Collected include glass set, model, advertisement "very rare" and STP, Daytona decanter.

Car Photos of engine, interior and other

Re-Stripe Project where we changed from the incorrect stripes to the Phoenix Graphics stripes

The Great SUCKING Sound!!! Functional Shaker Hood Scoop

Rear Package Tray detail of stock compared to the best reproduction I could find

Reproduction Interior details of stock compared to the "only" reproduction offered, you better take a look.  Also, information from the10th Anniversary Internet group are following from PUI

Original Paper Work like the build sheet, consumer information and radio instructions

Clubs and Links

If you would like to add anything (perhaps a link), please contact me via mike@netn2it.com.

For Sale $12,000.00